The HypnoBirthing course is built around five main areas. Today we look at Breathing and how integral it is to the birthing experience.
The theory behind breathing techniques during birth is to maximise the amount of oxygen available to you and your baby. This is vital as it has been linked to reduced risk of fetal distress, less interventions and decreased likelihood of a surgical birth.
When you are scared or tense, your breathing begins to change. It can become shallow and quick and begins to reduce the amount of oxygen available for you and your baby. In a frightened state, your muscles begin to tense.
In our HypnoBirthing course, we teach you which muscles are directly linked to your pelvic area. When you keep those muscles relaxed, your vagina is relaxed and makes for an easier birth.
During the course you will learn 3 breathing techniques. The first, very simple breath maintains a sufficient, continual supply of oxygen to your baby during labour. This oxygen is the most important fuel for the working muscles of your uterus. Its a wonderful breath to use in between surges (contractions) to resume relaxation and conserve energy.
The second breath is used during surges. It’s a very slow breath and is accompanied by a wonderful visualisation. This breath ensures every surge is extremely efficient, assisting the labour process, rather than resisting it.
HypnoBirthing mothers find that because of this breath, this stage of labour is often shorter than normal.
The third breath works with your body to gently move the baby down to crowning and birth. We explain why the common technique of ‘pushing’ can actually be counterproductive, can create stress for mum and baby and actually create fetal distress due to the lack of oxygen in the body.
Click the button below here for your FREE Breathing for relaxation audio.