Pregnancy Wellbeing Workshop
A workshop designed to help reduce stress, tension and pain.

This one day workshop is designed to give you and your birthing partner some time to spend with one another relaxing and bonding with your baby. This workshop is perfect if you have been doing some relaxation or self-hypnosis preparation for birth.
What does the session cover?
Pregnancy Well-being
Stresses in Pregnancy and Hormones
Preparing for Birth
Relaxation Breathing
Imagery and Visualisation
Pregnancy Mindfulness
Self Massage Techniques
Birth Companion Massage Techniques
Birth rehearsal
Question and Answer time
What is included?
Online resources
Access to online private antenatal forum
Electronic e-book ~ Ina May Gaskin "Guide to Childbirth"
£100 off Birth Doula support.
The environment is created to be comfortable and relaxing for you with birth balls, cushions and comfy chairs, so that you can relax and enjoy spending time in your pregnancy.
Where, when and how much?
Workshops are usually given at:
Bosworth Comunity Centre, B37 5DP
9.30am - 4.30pm
£90 per couple
Refreshments and Lunch is Provided.
- Please check the home page to see when the next workshop is!
**Booking is required - Limited Places.
**Course can be canceled if numbers are below 3 couples.
If you would like to know more contact Katy on 07751077755 or email Katy
Donation of £5 per couple is made to Positive Birthing and Beyond CIO
PLEASE NOTE: No medical advice will be given, if you are concerned please contact your midwife or medical care provider.